Baptism is the Rite of Christian Initiation. Through Baptism we are made members of Christ’s Body. In the Episcopal Church the baptismal covenant is widely regarded as the normative statement of what it means to follow Christ.We baptize both children and adults.
Holy Communion
The sacrament of Christ’s body and blood is the principal act of Christian worship. The term is from the Greek, “thanksgiving.” Jesus instituted the eucharist “on the night when he was betrayed.” At the Last Supper he shared the bread and cup of wine at a sacred meal with his disciples.
Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant between a man and a woman in the presence of God. In the Episcopal Church it is required that one, at least, of the parties must be a baptized Christian; that the ceremony be attested by at least two witnesses; and that the marriage conform to the laws of the State and the Canons of this Church.