Welcome to the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas!
St. Thomas strives to live by the message of Christ, in which there are no outcasts and all are welcome. Walking a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestant traditions, we are a sacramental and worship-oriented church that promotes thoughtful debate about what God is calling us to do and be, as followers of Christ.
We believe in concrete acts of love. At St. Thomas we want to walk the talk so we welcome everyone. We also do this by serving the poor, the vulnerable, and the marginal. Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen & Resource Center serves 150 meals a day, Monday-Friday. We provide weekly luncheons to Seniors free of charge. We have a strong international mission that has partnered with school children in Belize, an orphanage in Haiti, and the Navaho Indians on the 4 Corners Reservation. We send teams on a regular basis to each of these locations to show that God’s love is worldwide.
We also have other forms of community outreaches.
We have a wonderful Christian Formation program for our children called Godly Play. It is based on the Montessori Method of learning and helps children develop a sense of Christian identity in a world that is fast losing its knowledge of Christian Faith. In addition, we have a vibrant Tweens and Teens character formation program based on Bible studies, which runs throughout the school year. We meet every Saturday for an hour and a half via Zoom. We also have other outside activities such as: visiting picnic sites and field trips.
All of these and many more are concrete acts of God’s love that we believe God has asked us to do. If you believe God wants to change the world for the better, please come and join us!